
Welcome! I am a California girl who has lived in Scotland and Mozambique - follow my adventures here!

Sunrise in Oakland

I am back in Oakland, California as of 17 days ago, and the nice weather is a welcome change to Scotland's rain. I have been working out in the mornings, leaving home at 5:30am sometimes, and am rewarded for my efforts with utterly beautiful sunrises. Here are a few of them as seen from the Oakland Hills.

Today's sunrise at 6 am

Today's sunrise at 6 am

Also today, the view over the pool. Notice the fog rolling over the hills. So pretty!

Also today, the view over the pool. Notice the fog rolling over the hills. So pretty!

Exercising in the morning is, for me, a really nice way to start the day because instead of feeling tired, I feel energized. And, seeing the sunrise over the hills always brightens my day, too.

5:30 am a week ago.

5:30 am a week ago.

As an added benefit, here is the early stages of the sunset a few days ago, as seen facing away from the pool and the hills featured in the sunrise photos.




Bird Watching