
Welcome! I am a California girl who has lived in Scotland and Mozambique - follow my adventures here!

Beach Dogs

Beach Dogs

I went down to the beach today with all the dogs (Again, Reba, Tsano, and Wolf) and brought the good camera. I got a few nice shots and wanted to share them here - it’s just such a perfect beach day, with the clearest warm tropical water, blazing sun, and a light breeze.

Again, lying in the water as he loves to do, showing off his little smile with a dhow in the background.

Again on the way to the beach.

Reba trotting back to me, happy as a clam.

Tsano lying in the shallows.

Wolf, who looks like she has highlights in her tail.

Reba and Tsano, who are twins, racing in tandem towards Again, who is waiting and ready for the attack. Such is the happy life of a beach dog.

A Day Out on the Indian Ocean

A Day Out on the Indian Ocean

