
Welcome! I am a California girl who has lived in Scotland and Mozambique - follow my adventures here!

Glass Ocean

Glass Ocean

The past few days have been so still and beautiful that the ocean has looked like glass. It is smoother than a lake, not a ripple of wind or wave passing over the surface. Today, I went down with my camera to try to capture the stillness. While the photos don’t do the reality justice (do photos ever, really, do reality justice?) they still provide a glimpse of what the day is like.

This is the view from Archipelago Resort - you can see how smooth the water is.

Another view from Archipelago - see the dhow’s reflection on the water? (Dhows are the traditional fishing boats here).

A close-up view. You can even see the yellow at the tip of the sail.

This photo is not so clear, but it does show how smooth the water is from the way the fishermen are standing.

The close up water here is the tide going out, the sand in the middle is a sand bank, and behind is more ocean with dhows floating serenely on top.

Grey heron on red dhow.

Little egret on red dhow.

Of course, I had to take a few bird photos. I especially love the reflection of the little egret on the water - he was hunting for shrimp and small fish.

This I believe is a whimbrel.

Just too beautiful.

Finally, some fishermen.

Goats and Birds

Goats and Birds

A Day Out on the Indian Ocean

A Day Out on the Indian Ocean