
Welcome! I am a California girl who has lived in Scotland and Mozambique - follow my adventures here!

Fall Riding

Fall is gorgeous this year. I think I am noticing the colors and changes brought on by the season a lot more this year than the past two, mostly because I'm actually riding (first year I didn't ride, second year I rode only in second semester) and partly because the weather has been a lot nicer so far this year - less fog, less rain, less wind (that's all changing now!). Riding lets me see so much more of the countryside than I would otherwise and, while the trees are amazing here in the city, they are even more spectacular out in the wooded areas. 

Here are some city pictures:

This tree has got its own little carpet of color.

I took this photo before class

One hour later it looked like this...same view!

And here are a few from the barn. I wish I had more of the trails, but I don't stop very often to take photos while riding.

I think it's winter
